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A member registered Nov 15, 2019

Recent community posts

(1 edit)

- Random VHS tapes that can be found on the map with spooky content in them, require a VHS Player to watch. (if clipping camera video footage is possible in the future, allow the VHS to be used to save the footage and rewatch them on TVs?)

- Diskettes and big Floppy's with secret information on them / scary stuff, secrets, etc. that can also be found around the map. Requires an old PC with a 3.5" and 5.25" diskette drive. (and a DOS looking OS)

- Also maybe combine them with signals or special signals, where the drives information has to be copied onto a diskette and then inserted into the old PC to filter out more information.

You after you post spoilers like a kid.

skill shoe

If you pick up the random red/green drives that appear in and around your base, those are the ones that explode.

The drives that you buy never explode, but if you mix them you are in for a bad time.

need a panic room

Finally, I've been waiting for this!
Gonna binge play it all night!

However, none of the bugs that happened and are saved in your 0.7.0 will be fixed on 0.7.0b2 !

For that you do have to start a new save pretty much or reset everything.

Old saves seem to affect the latest version.

Try a clean save and see if things are still duplicate.

Somehow all that capslock makes me doubt that.

Hello, you are too young to play it and to be on the internet.

Well, ingame I don't think there is currently a use for them other than being able to print them out and pin them onto something.

I haven't tried sending a picture with a Drive Box yet though, no idea if it can attach. Or sending one with an Item Box to see if there is any reaction via E-Mail or event.

The other E-Mail is mainly flavour text and can be ignored when it comes to if you have finished the daily task or not.

All that matters is the "great job" E-Mail and the points.

Download and play the DEBUG version, it's fixed there along with other stuff.

Another small change (maybe?) that I personally would enjoy:

- Change Kurfurs name to Kerfuß.

ß is the German letter "sharp S", the pronounciation wouldn't really change except for the second "U" being pronounced slightly longer.

It would be closer to its original name but also keep you safe from any copyright issues, as it is different enough for that.

And it would have a double Funny:
English players would pronounce it as a B.
Swiss players would feel trolled, because Switzerland doesn't use (or refuses to use) the German "sharp S" letter "ß".

Read these 2 Threads with the Changelogs:

Keep in mind, 0.7.0 is not officially released yet.

Once the only download available is "[RECENT] 0.7.0" it will be an official release.

I think currently the only way is to remember it yourself and place them in a Box or a certain corner, to make it easier to remember.

The DEBUG version has a lot of fixes for most bugs, I would say it's worth to play it.

Delete all copies on the PC.

I don't think he wants it as a default change for everyone, but rather as a toggle for those that are colourblind.

Drastic colour changes for clarity in that special case would certainly be nice to have for them.
Accessibilty is a difficult thing to add (properly) unless you are experienced in that field.

Floating icons could be very immersion breaking though, I think playing with the colours to find good combinations for colourblind people (covering most or all colourblind conditions) would be a good way to implement this over a floating icon toggle.

(5 edits)

Just a few more random ideas:

- Optional Graphics Filter: Dithering Effect like on the PS1.

- Optional Graphics Filter: 3D Anaglyph filter to use with 3D glasses!
(red-cyan ; red-blue ; red-green ; ColorCode 3-D ; magenta-cyan)

- CCTV Monitors which can be linked to only 1 specific camera each, you can wall mount them or build a desk/rack for them.

- Stackable Drive Racks (up to 3 on top of eachother)

- Upgradable work desk:
-i.e. being able to build/buy/add railings for the Drive Racks to keep them secured and firm on the desk and they can only be dislodged by the press of a button on the back.
(6 total, 2 left and 2 right from the PC, 1 on the far left and one on the far right end, if possible allow the player to decide the direction of the rails)
- ability to build/buy/add a sort of half dome for the top of the work desk. (maybe with mounting holes for CCTV Monitors, TV, Radio, maybe a mini-radar, etc.)
- cosmetic upgrades, being able to change the materials / looks of the work desk area. (i.e. giving it a wood look like the Atari 2600, or a modern metallic look, retro gaming console look, etc.)

Base upgrade:
- you can build/add a large fish tank to study the fish / super strange water lifeforms you've caught. (also some scary event with drowning, etc.)
- you can build yourself a "Panic Room" that can keep you save if anything happens. (needs to be stocked with food supplies, emergency generator, etc.)

Kerfus upgrade:
- A Kerfus Cat-Bed Recharge Station. Kerfus will automatically recharge when 20% or lower. (purchase, super expensive)
- A KerfusO Billiard Table, when idling KerfusO will play Billiard or the Arcade Machine. (craftable/purchase?)
- A KerfusO Sofa. Will relax and sit on it when idling. (craftable/purchase?)
- Craftable body armour, making Kerfus(O) more durable / immune to certain types of damage.
- Chad KerfusO skin pls. (hidden joke skin, funny setting only)

Shop deco and other items:
- Lava Lamp (all colours & RGB slow colour rotation)
- A Fog Machine (leaves a fog "carpet" in the room it is in)
- Shaved Ice Machine and Ice Cube Tray (with several Syrup flavours, keeps you cool in the summer if you add seasons and temperature later on)
- Hot Chocolate Machine and Comfy Ceramic Mugs (collectible mugs with different motives, secret collectible mug motives)
- Disco Ball (disco lights)
- Plasma Sphere (electrostatically charged if you touch it too often)
- Fridge Magnets (& secret collectible fridge magnet motives)
- Lawn Mover, 1 manual, 1 electric, 1 Lawn Mover Car (mows lawn)
- Sandwich Toaster Machine & Toast & Sliced Cheese.

- Portable Motion Scanner, detects motion within X meters range and can display walls as well. Will only work proper if you stand still, otherwise the display will become slurred with all the environment moving when you move. 360° degree coverage, maybe 1 Radar Section range.

- Similar to the Motion Scanner, a portable Sonar Sensor Device. Sends out a sonar ping in a 90° degree cone in front of you, takes a few seconds to display results, 2 Radar Sections range. 

- Both Motion Scanner and Sonar Sensor should be able to detect different kinds of things.

- Extended Ear (Lauschmikro), a headset that enhances certain sound effects (i.e. footsteps, stuff falling down, etc.) when worn.

- Thermal Vision upgrade for Cameras, Digital Camera, Binoculars, etc.

- Or add separate Thermal Vision Goggles for purchase.

- Paint Cans and different kind of Brushes and Rolls. (all colours, maybe 1 dark and 1 bright palette)

- Spray Cans so you can grafitti and mark spots. (all colours, maybe 1 dark and 1 bright palette)

- Paint traps/grenades. When stepped on they leave footprints / marks.

- Allow rain to slowly wash away dirt and blood outside the map. (including paint)

- Noise traps, craftable. If anyone but you or Kerfus(O) goes past them they will activate and make a loud noise.

- Sitting on a chair slows the Stamina meter decrease by X amount.

- Manual upgrades for the ATV, i.e. cosmetic stuff, being able to give it a paint job, maybe stickers/decals, a trunk upgrade, etc.

- An insect catching net. Become a bug catcher! And keep them as pets in a terrarium.

- A kite that you can craft (and customize like posters/pictures) and let fly, and fasten it on a nail so it keeps flying while you do other things.

- Solar Panels and a Battery Bank (both craftable? buyable?), as emergency power supply.

- A craftable Portable Water Tank for the Pressure Washer.

- Once an item is sold, make its sell value visible to the player.

- Scuba Diver outfit, like the Hazmat Suit, allows breathing underwater for X minutes. Has to be recharged with Oxygen tanks.

- Emergency Swim Vest that you can activate underwater (if worn and drowning) and it will catapult you to the surface.

- Fireproof full body suit. Makes you immune to fire until its durability reaches 0. Makes you extra slow.

- Craftable Slingshot and Pebbles. You can shoot small things like the pebbles, roaches, etc.

- More animals, i.e. Bunnies, Raccoons, Rats and Mice and maybe Bats?

- Animal traps to catch them or even hunt for food.

- Small Bunny House to keep one as pet, etc.

- Events that can interfere with the camera footage, making it show more static, malfunction, freeze frame, etc.

- A water spray bottle, you can fill it up and spray water mist. No special use other than maybe defence against Arirals?

- A craftable chemistry/compounding table where you can create various things. (i.e. Molotov, Herbal Medicine, etc.)

- More buyable items, i.e. 99% Isopropyl Alcohol Bottle (use for crafting & to fix electronic, clean displays), WD-40 (lubrication for doors, anything that moves), Disinfection Spray Bottle, etc.

- Portable Laptop or Tablet with less functions than the PC. (no shop, signal database)

- A Keyring for Keys and Keycards, separate equip slot that holds all your keys and keycards.

- Collectible Key-Chain rings to use on the Keyring. (like the plushy collectibles)

- A craftable Tailoring bench, allows you to craft makeshift gear like a Rugged Backpack (small capacity).
- Allows crafting of makeshift protective gear. (helmet, elbow, knee, hand protectors)
- Allows the repair of shop clothes and protective gear up to a max of 70%. (uses various scrap materials)

- Shop Equipment: Bicycle Helmet, Motorbike Helmet (with visor, changes visibility and hearing, but better protection), Elbow/Knee/Hand Protectors (those you wear then Inline Skating/Skateboarding).
- Can prevent death when crashing with the ATV, or when falling/slipping, etc.
- All the gear comes with 100/100 durability, 99-1 durability full protection, 0 broken and cannot be repaired anymore and no protection.

- A Microscope and Material Collector for purchase. Allows you to gather different kinds of strange materials that you find (organic, fluids, crystals, ores, etc.) and research them under the Microscope. (will show regular stuff, then living bacterias and strange bacterias? microscopic blueprints of things?)
- Upgrade allows it to connect digitally to the PC so you save screenshots of what you are looking at.

- Along with that maybe a Bio-Station that allows you to try and grow cultures of organic materials you've gathered to research them further.

- Moon affecting the tide (ebb & flood) making certain things reachable/unreachable depending on the flood/ebb state.

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I'd like the ability to "clip" camera footage, maybe 60 seconds max? (and have them play on the TV)
Similar to how the Digital Camera lets you save photos.

I love it so far! (ignoring the obvious bugs ofcourse)

The new base is amazing and terrible at the same time, just the perfect environment to get paranoid and spooked in.
I can't wait to see what else will come in the future, even though I probably haven't seen more than 20% of the content of 0.7.0a yet, I already feel impatient and excited for the next big update to come!

At the same time, after seeing a video of the old base, I kind of felt slightly homesick. Even though it wasn't as cool as the new one, it felt like home in comparison.

Please keep this amazing work up, VOTV is one of the very few indie games that actually got that special something that makes it an amazing game!

to pick

The game does not save when:
An Event is happening.
You are sitting on the ATV.

It walks on the road not  out the garage, make it a line at the bottom of the ramp.

Bugfix update is out! 0.7.0a!!


Place 2 boxes on the path to block its way and hope the Brownie Path will spawn, only then you can make the event end.

You can deactivate "Food tolerance" under the experimental settings in the options menu, it's the small orange "E"-tab on the far right.



And manually add your resolution into the text file.

Also deactivate "Automatic resolution".

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Hold Kerfus with E while the plug is out, turn him upside down against the wall and hold him up and try to bounce the plug into the socket that way.

It's sad that this comment section is either filled with unreadable cyrillic or toxic trolls or both.

To dev: I hope you continue developing the game as you envisioned it and get enough support to put everything in it that you want.

Please also keep in mind, the comment section and Discord are like at most 5% or your total playerbase. Don't let a few toxic people influence you in a bad way.

Keep doing what you do, the remaining 95% of the playerbase absolutely loves your game.

Nice, I want to date thiccfus, I call dibs on him! vehicle

Activate "The Funny Setting" in the options menu.

Kerfur parts stacked too high.

Red lines are material range limit.

I love the new base! But at the same time I hate it!!!

Amazing new update!

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I know the exact date and time but in order to reveal it I have to solve a math question and I can't math, sorry 😥

Play more, get signals and send them with the drive box, go out and explore, look at the radar!

The Tower.
